The all in one solution for Molecular Diagnostics


  • The Vivalytic platform is so easy to use that it can be handled in any clinic or medical practice without the need for laboratory personnel.
  • The sample is taken from the patient's nose or throat using a swab and placed in the cartridge without any complex preparation.
  • The Vivalytic analyser then fully automatically processes the cartridge, which already contains all the reagents required for the test.
  • Since the system in each cartridge is isolated, the risk of infection during handling is minimized.

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Vivalytic is a universal platform for molecular laboratory diagnostics with which various samples can be tested and different analytical methods can be carried out fully-automated within a very short time. Vivalytic sets new standards in the area of modern, molecular laboratory diagnostics.

Vivalytic enables sample to answer, cartridge-based Molecular Diagnostic testing. The Vivalytic platform is capable of both Hi-Plex and Lo-Plex testing. Nucleic acid extraction, PCR amplification followed by a suite of detection methods are combined in a truly revolutionary, fully automated platform. Manual preparation, cold chain reagents and the use of multiple devices are no longer required.

No further peripherals such as a laptop, keyboard, barcode scanner or filling station are required, making Vivalytic a unique space-saving, hygienic solution for Molecular Diagnostic testing.


Analyser Type

Fully Automated

Sample Volume


Relative Humidity Range

Operating humidity 30-80% (not condensing)


None Required



Storage Humidity

20-95% (not condensing)

Sample Types

Sputum, swab, urine, blood and BAL

Storage Capacity


Noise Output

65 dB



7" high resolution LCD (RGB)(1024x600) Touch-sensitive screen (responsive to lab gloves)

Electrical Data

100-240 V~, 50/60Hz, 160VA


Data Transfer / Connectivity Supports

HL7, GDT & POCT-1A Ethernet 10/100MN WiFi 2.4GHz (802.11b/g/n) Internal: Bluetooth v4.1 2.4 GHz (low energy), USB 2.0, 3 USB Ports GSM

Memory Capacity


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